Ai Weiwei: “Everything is art. Everything is politics.”

“Everything is art. Everything is politics.” This quote from renowned artist, architect, documentarian, writer, musician, and international celebrity Ai Weiwei sums up the work of several Chicago artists Dr. Mooney-Melvin brought to my attention this week. All artwork has meaning, and the larger-scale and more public the work, the more controversial, efficacious, and thought-provoking the message.Continue reading “Ai Weiwei: “Everything is art. Everything is politics.””

Hong Hao: “Reality continues to inspire our desires”

This week, I focused on Chinese photographer Hong Hao. Hao studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, and spent a decade printmaking before discovering a new passion for photography in 1999.  Hao enjoys working in series, taking time to master a medium before moving to the next. His first series, Selected Scriptures, is anContinue reading “Hong Hao: “Reality continues to inspire our desires””

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